Refer users to Kuma and receive 10% of their trade fees! Head to the Referrals page in the Rewards tab on Kuma to get started.
Earn 10% of your referrals’ trading fees
Save 5% on fees by using a referral code
Claim USDC rewards any time, gas-free
How it works
Each wallet that connects to Kuma generates a unique referral code.
You can refer a friend in two ways:
Have them connect for the first time via your unique referral URL.
Provide them with your unique referral code which can be entered manually on the Referrals page.
Both the referral URL and code can be found on the Referrals page. You can customize your referral code by clicking on the pencil icon next to it.
Commission Calculation
Referrers earn 10% of a referred user’s trade fees as soon as the referred user begins trading. The referred user, in exchange, will receive a 5% discount on trading fees.
A referred user pays $10 of trading fees
At a rate of 10%, the referred user generates $1 of referral fees
As the referrer, you receive $1 of referral commission, paid in USDC
Referral commissions can be claimed at any time using the Referrals page. There is a minimum amount of $1 per claim; amounts below that must increase to $1 or more to be claimed.
Last updated